We provide our customers with a range of high-quality ELISA kits, including sandwich, indirect, and 3rd generation options, all of which demonstrate competitive levels of sensitivity and specificity. Our kits are thoroughly tested using OIE and WHO standard serum panels, and the majority are both CE registered and produced under ISO certificates.
Additionally, our immunochromatographic test kits (Rapid tests) are manufactured to ISO standards and have been quality tested using OIE and WHO standard serum panels, with most carrying the CE mark. While the sensitivity of these tests may not be inferior to ELISA in most cases, they offer the added benefit of faster results.
We also offer PCR test systems, which include standard RT PCR and PCR options, and are currently developing NALF PCR devices that will eliminate the need for gel electrophoresis.
• Animal blood sera and serum albumin
• Buffer solutions and dry buffers
• Culture media
• Grow supplements
• Antibiotics
• Cytogenetics products
• Dissociating agents
• Transfection reagents